In previous years I would be hanging out in a jazz bar a night or two most weeks of the year. A solitary activity for the most part – my way of indulging for a couple of hours. I set up a jazz photo blog as an excuse so people didn’t think I was too strange drinking alone in a dark room. But life has a way of prioritising your time, and I dont get a chance to get out much anymore. I mainly shoot paid gigs now. Shooting for the Melbourne International Jazz Festival forces me out of the house and I can indulge in an intesive kind of way for a week in the year. Anyway, I could only do a few gigs this year, some of my favourite shots are below. Check out for some pretty amazing local and international talent.




Seeing in print a time and place so far removed from the here and now is magical. I like books. I especially like picture books. Making a picture book is like even more like like. Good friends Eugenia and Warren’s Argentinean wedding is finally bound – two years after the event. In the process of making the album I rediscovered the strangeness of the new and the pleasure of disorientation. Destination weddings are great. Albums are great. Albums of destination weddings (even those made two years after the fact) are great great.


I hadn’t been down to Princes Pier for many many years. I remembered it as a fenced up crumbling weather beaten wooden adventure playground. The decking has since been removed and has exposed a remarkable stumpy sculptural expanse. Nicki and Gino took me there to see it. I will be shooting their wedding in a few weeks. I am looking forwarded to whatever else they have planned for me…


A work of mine has been selected to be exhibited in the the 2013 Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award. Feels good to have my work up there with some of Australia’s most distinguished artists.  This is my second time in the show, and I won’t be able to make it this time either… so if anyone is in the Gold Coast area, have a drink on me.

This is the work:

2013 Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award
6 April – 19 May
Gold Coast City Gallery
Gallery 1 and Foyer Gallery

“Now in its 13th year, The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award is considered one of the most important annual surveys of contemporary Australian photographic practice. This highly anticipated award, with a total $30,000 in prizes and acquisitions, is a highlight of Gold Coast City Gallery’s exhibition program…. This year’s guest judge is acclaimed New Zealand photographer Anne Noble.


Online is good. Print is better. I have a few spreads in the current issue of literary and art journal :etchings published by the good folk at Ilura press. The issues features articles by Peter Sculthorpe and Harry James Angus. I share the space with legendary Meg Evans of Bennetts Lane. Check it out here.

  • Nevaeh - Play inivrmatfoe for me, Mr. internet writer.ReplyCancel

  • - Wine would be the hardest thing in the world for me to give up, I adore the stuff, but I will if it would make a difference. I switched to decaf coffee 4 or 5 years ago. I won’t really be able to tell anything until I get the HRT stuff out of my system, 3 or so months?ReplyCancel

  • - Now I feel stupid. That’s cleared it up for meReplyCancel

  • - Maybe I’m in the minority of Obama supporters who found it funny and thought it made the right-wing charicature of Obama look as dumb as it is.As for comparing it to McCain …. there is no comparable mass belief in dumbass untruths about McCain. If there was a serious email campaign alledging that McCain had been brainwashed as a Manchurian Candidate by the NVA then I’d laugh at something which mocked that as well.ReplyCancel

  • - Great review! It’s a brave new world, and I think you’ll do well. I haven’t heard of Ronald Giphart, but now I want to find him. (And I’m jealous of your ability to review in two languages!)ReplyCancel

  • http://www./ - in the contract of employment with an individual worker (unless, of course, they close the office/factory and prevent the worker from carrying out their job).Redress is irrelevant – that’s political rather than legal and up to the company.If the period is being classed as a Bank Holiday by the company anyway, it’s hard to see why an employer should give anyone an extra day’s holiday because a Bank Holiday has duplicated itself.Always seek legal advice before you act.ReplyCancel

  • - Diosssss!!!! como mola la canción del "Loco sexual", para cuando un recopilatorio con los grandes éxitos de Gavina82??? que seguro que hay peña que os habrá descubierto hace poco y se habrán perdido grandes joyas de las canciones gravineras como "Melocotón Cane", "Maria Carey es puta" o incluso la canción que os dedicó Emilcar (sovervia).Sois grandes.Mmmmm… aha!ReplyCancel

  • http://www./ - Great site, curious though. I have tickets to DMB 09/12 Promenade II G 2 | 2 ticketsRow 21. What do you think of these seats? Are cameras allowed? Are the seats removed for this show? I’ve seen DMB 8-9 times, and even met him twice and cannot ever remember seats at any of his shows. Honestly,who’s going to be seated for the show anyway? Again, good work on the site!!ReplyCancel

  • http://www./ - AttivissimoEccoti un paio di link. Non me ne voglia Orsovolante per essergli passato davanti…;) Ovviamente sono due produzioni del solito duo sanremese….L'idiozia è come l'universo: in espansione.Vostro

  • http://www./ - Lisa BergeronThanks to all – I appreciated all the comments everyone posted especially because we were not able to visit the puppies (made it very hard to just rely on photos). I hope to see a post with the names of your new puppies. We are thinking Lola Breeze (Marriah).ReplyCancel

Sax player and all round nice guy Paul Van Ross released his CD earlier this month. I took the cover shot. This got me thinking about the other jazz covers I have shot and also about how really really good the Melbourne jazz scene is. Carl Mackey’s first CD proved to be stella, Ben Winkelman’s last 2 CDs continue to challenge and inspire. I urge you to check them all out.

There are numerous other CD photography and bits and pieces out there which I should one day get on top of and collate. My Jazz photo site has been neglected recently (I dont get a chance to get out much these days) but check it out for a taste of the huge amount activity and talent out there right now.